Bruderheim, L6

Bruderheim’s arrival to Earth was accompanied by spectacular effects.  A complete account of the fall and its recovery can be seen here: The Bruderheim Meteorite, by R. E. Folinsbee and L. A. Bayrock (1961).

And here is a copy of a contemporary newspaper article describing the event:

bruderheimThe University of Alberta has a webpage devoted to the meteorite, accessible here.

I was also lucky to stumble across this 55th anniversary video featuring eyewitnesses, from Global News:


Bruderheim fell just after a fresh snowfall and landed in snow — the fall is a little unusual because most stones showed no impact marks or chipping.

I’ve kept an eye out for complete stones over the years, but only a few have surfaced.  They are usually snapped up by collectors as soon as they came to light.  I was lucky with this particular one; it’s not large, but it’s a fresh, complete stone from this uncommon fall.  It comes from the Bartoschewitz Collection via Sergei Vasiliev.

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