Camp Wood, IIIAB

I don’t have much to add to the Bulletin description of this iron.
Screen Shot 2013-12-23 at 2.51.56 PMAs of 2016, Camp Wood is the largest iron meteorite recovered in the US since Old Woman was found in 1976.  It is also one of the few large meteorites found since then that have remained intact.  The vast majority of meteorites in this size range are cut and distributed.  There is a separate page with images from the trip to bring the iron from Texas to California, here.

Camp Wood meteorite

Camp Wood meteoriteThe finders removed ~28 grams from the top edge. That sample was used for analysis and the iron remains as shown.

Camp Wood (at right) is on loan to UCLA and can be seen in the Meteorite Gallery — for museum hours and other information, see here.
Camp Wood meteorite UCLA Meteorite Gallery