Clover Springs, Mesosiderite-A2

Clover Springs is a historic American mesosiderite.  While it is one of just three classified mesosiderites with the subtype of A2, most mesosiderites haven’t been subclassified, so it’s difficult to say how uncommon it really is.

From Monica Grady’s Catalogue of Meteorites (2000):

This 63.5 gram slab bears an American Meteorite Museum label, # 646.16.  It was acquired by El Paso meteorite hunter and collector Donald H. Rathbun from another collector in the 1970s.

Clover Springs was found in 1955, approximately 1-2 years after the Niningers had made the move to Sedona.  This specimen was probably sold out of the American Meteorite Museum while it was located there.