Correo, H4

This strewn field from New Mexico was discovered in the late 1970s.  The total known weight is just a few kilograms, and it is a notoriously hard place to hunt.  When we first started getting into meteorites back in the late 1990s, Correo was one of the few strewnfields in the Southwest that was known and sounded like it might be huntable.  I remember asking Alan Rubin about it — he said it was one of the few places he’d ever tried hunting, and it was “impossible” because of all of the magnetic basalt.

informationFrom: The Correo and Suwanee Spring meteorites – Two new ordinary chondrite finds, by Rubin, A. E., Taylor, G. J., Keil, K., & Nelson, G. J. Courtesy of the SAO/NASA Astrophysics Data System.

Here’s a 42 gram complete stone from the find.  It comes from an older collection and is supposedly one of the original 35 stones recovered.

Correo meteorite Correo meteorite Correo meteorite