Dimmitt, H3.5-3.7
Dimmitt is one of the largest meteorites known from North America; hundreds of kilograms of fragments and individuals have been recovered from the plains around Dimmitt, Texas. The meteorite is an unequillibrated, gas-bearing regolith breccia — the churned-up surface of an asteroid. Most of Dimmitt is composed of ~fairly primitive material, but some very pristine xenoliths have also been found worked into the rock.
Strangely, the largest single stones recovered from the fall have weighed less than ~ten kilograms, though I think this may be because larger stones buried themselves deeply upon impact, below the reach of farmers’ plows.
Here are a few papers that looked at Dimmit and found some interesting things:
And here are a few stones we’ve been fortunate to acquire over the years. Complete non-NWA stones aren’t easy to find; this pile took a few decades to accumulate. The largest stone is a little over 2 kilograms (oriented), and the total weight of the lot is ~6 kg. Some have Monnig / TCU collection numbers.