Košice, H5

Košice was a relatively large fall in Slovakia in 2010.  Here’s the Meteoritical Bulletin write-up:

Screen Shot 2014-01-26 at 2.29.55 AMA video of the fireball, recorded from Hungary:

And a short clip about the fall, from a documentary:


Borovicka et al. published a comprehensive paper on the fall, accessible here: The Košice meteorite fall: atmospheric trajectory, fragmentation, and orbit.

This is a 71 gram stone that struck a fallen log.  Field images taken by the finder, Lukasz Smula.  He collected the stone and cut out a section of the log:

Košice meteorite  Košice meteorite Košice meteorite Košice meteorite Košice meteoriteKošice meteorite

Košice meteoriteKošice meteorite Košice meteorite Košice meteorite Košice meteorite Košice meteorite Košice meteorite