Mesa La Caguama, IAB-MG
This “extremely heavy rock” was found by Francisco Arce Arce in 1971. It was discovered in Baja California along a burro trail between Rancho San Gregorio and the dirt road that leads to Rancho San Francisco, off of the paved road to San Ignacio. Noting the unusual density of the rock, Mr. Arce Arce decided that it might be something special and brought it home. Over the years, he tried to remove a sample from it a few times, with little success.
In 1991, Richard and Alice Gross were visiting the area and were shown the stone. On a later trip in 2003, they brought it to the US in the hope of confirming its extraterrestrial nature, and to potentially sell it on behalf of Mr. Arce Arce. The specimen was brought to meteorite dealer Michael Blood, who brokered the sale of the iron to us.
The 6.9 kilogram iron remains intact. It exhibits differential weathering on the exposed / buried sides of the mass.