NWA, Unequilibrated Ordinary Chondrite

This stone is currently being analyzed.  It’s definitely a fresh unequilibrated chondrite of some sort. Guesses have ranged from CR2 to LL3; I’m betting it’s an L or LL3.  Note the ‘bullseye’ chondrule in the fusion crust.  ~1 kilogram.

NWA LL3 chondrite meteorite NWA LL3 chondrite meteorite NWA LL3 chondrite meteorite NWA LL3 chondrite meteorite NWA LL3 chondrite meteorite NWA LL3 chondrite meteorite NWA LL3 chondrite meteoriteNWA LL3 chondrite meteoriteLast photo via Marlin Cilz, shortly after he removed the type specimen for analysis.