R.E. Peary 1895 letter, first analysis of Cape York

Original letter dated October 18, 1895, in which Peary asks Yale chemist Frank Austin Gooch (1852-1929) to analyze a sample of Cape York. The analysis was published in Northward Over the Great Ice, in 1898.

The letter reads:

New York, October 18° 1895

Dear Sir,
Your favor of the 7th inst, in re analysis of meteoric sample is at hand.
Kindly have analysis made as suggested by you & the report forwarded to me at 2014 12th St. N.W. Washington, D.C.
I presume that the name of the gentleman making the analysis will accompany the report so that I can give him proper credit when I make use of his results.
Thanking you for your kindness I am.
Very Sincerely
R.E. Peary
Civil Engineer, U.S.N.

Prof. F.A. Gooch
Kent Laboratory, Yale College
New Haven, Conn.

Peary Cape York meteorite analysis letter