Roosevelt County 082, H4

Roosevelt County, New Mexico, is home to many deflation surfaces like this one, near Arch Lake:
Arch_Lake_sand_2009Many meteorite hunters have successfully hunted for meteorites in this region; Skip Wilson is well-known for having found many of them, but there were a few other hunters in Roosevelt County around the same time he started looking.  J. Warnica found some of the first meteorites from Roosevelt County, including this stone.  Here’s a paper describing some of J. Warnica’s finds:

The Roosevelt County 079-090 Meteorites, by G. K. Benedix, L. K. Kinsey, T. J. McCoy, K. Keil, and R. Wieler (1995).   

Here’s a 79.9 gram half-stone — just over half of Roosevelt County 082.  It is/was an oriented stone; one side is smooth and convex, while the other is concave and regmaglypted.

Roosevelt County 082 meteorite Roosevelt County 082 meteorite Roosevelt County 082 meteorite