Thuathe, H4/5

The Meteoritical Bulletin write-up contains a fairly detailed account of the fall:

thuatheHere are a few papers describing the fall:

The Thuathe meteorite of 21 July 2002, Lesotho: mapping the strewn field and initial mineralogical classification, by D. P. Ambrose, W. U. Reimold, and P. C. Buchanan

The Thuathe meteorite fall of 21 July 2002, by A. Lombard, H. de Bruiyn, N. Scholtza, H. E. Praekelta, A. H. Wilsonb, and A. E. Schoch

Thuathe, a new H4/5 chondrite from Lesotho: History of the fall, petrography, and geochemistry, by W. U. Reimold, P. C. Buchanan, D. P. Ambrose, C. Koeberl, I. Franchi, C. Lalkhan, L. Schultz, L. Franke, and G. Heusser

From the MAPS paper above: the sonic effects from the fall were heard over a ~126,000 km area (a circular region with a radius of ~200 km).

thuathe2Pictured below: 122.2g complete individual (Ambrose no. 280), 54.3g complete individual (Ambrose no. 515), 8.9g complete individual (Ambrose no. 534), 275.5 complete individual, flow lines (later recovery, Ambrose number not known).

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