Udei Station, IAB-ungrouped

This iron is a witnessed fall from 1927, and it’s an odd meteorite chock full of interesting inclusions.  This particular specimen exhibits a unique (in my experience) clast comprised of lammelar sheets of iron sulfide and what appears to be graphite, stacked together.

This 2009 paper by Alex Ruzicka and Melinda Hutson discusses some of the inclusions found in this iron: Comparative petrology of silicates in the Udei Station (IAB) and Miles (IIE) iron meteorites: Implications for the origin of silicate-bearing irons.  I don’t agree with some of the statements made by the authors, but the descriptions of the various inclusions in Udei Station are accurate and interesting.

120.7 gram end-cut with some fusion crust and evidence of abuse by the finders

Udei Station meteorite Udei Station meteoriteUdei Station meteorite Udei Station meteorite