Kunashak, L6

Kunashak fell as a massive shower of stones: at least 20 fell, with a total weight of over 200 kilograms!  The largest piece recovered weighed approximately 120 kilograms.  All of the papers relating to the fall and discovery of the meteorite are inaccessible online, as best I can tell, so this is it for now…

This 8.3 gram slice was listed with an ‘old label’ — after translating the text, I realized that the label was more interesting than it initially appeared.  “Академия Наук СССР Комитет по Метеоритам” translates into something along the lines of “National Academy USSR Comets and Meteorites.”  So this slice was released from the renowned Russian Academy of Sciences!

Kunashak meteorite Kunashak meteorite Kunashak meteorite Kunashak meteorite Kunashak meteorite