Australite Tektite
At 6.1 grams, this is one of the larger complete examples I have seen. It exhibits wonderful contraction cracking and a very …
At 6.1 grams, this is one of the larger complete examples I have seen. It exhibits wonderful contraction cracking and a very …
The Boxhole meteorite crater is ~170 meters in diameter, and is a very well-preserved impact, supposedly dating to only around 5,500 years …
The Dalgaranga crater was first described in 1938 by E.S. Simpson. It had been discovered by a local rancher some fifteen years …
Forrest (b), later named Forrest 002, was found in October of 1980. I wasn’t able to track down information beyond the scant …
This mostly oxidized iron meteorite was found in a Cenozoic bauxite deposit during mining at the Nabalco Bauxite Mine in 1966. It …
The meteorite craters at Henbury, Central Australia, by Arthur Richard Alderman, 1932. 27 grams, Ward’s Natural Science Establishment label. ~3 kilograms of …
The first mass of Mount Dooling was recovered in 1909; it weighed 31.3 kilograms. I wasn’t able to track down Simpson’s 1911 …
Karoonda is the type specimen of the CK-meteorite class, meaning that it is the first CK chondrite to be known or recognized. …
This enigmatic meteorite has been plaguing researchers for years. Moorabie and a number of other H/L3-4 anomalous chondrites exhibit characteristics of both …
Millbillillie is an odd one; it was apparently witnessed to fall in October 1960, but no one bothered to track down the …
The Meteoritical Bulletin entry for Mount Egerton is a bit sparse. Here is a book describing the meteorite and its discovery. (5MB) …
Tenham was a spectacular meteorite fall that occurred in a remote and sparsely populated area of Queensland in 1879. From the Queensland …