Allende, CV3.2

Allende is one of the largest recovered falls of the 20th century, and also one of the most scientifically important and researched.  …

NWA 6506, CV3

Here’s a pretty one — nice chondrules.  The end pictured was used for the type specimen. Link to Meteoritical Bulletin:  

NWA 7411, CV3

This brick of a meteorite is a specimen that we bring to every outreach event.  Chondrules, big CAIs, it’s perfect.  And it’s …

Northwest Africa, CV3

This beautiful stone with weathered fluting and flow lines was purchased in Erfoud from Mohamed Benzaki.  473.53 + 242.43 gram fitting fragments.

Vigarano, CV3

Meteorite types are usually named after the first specimen of a given type found.  For example, in 1868, an interesting new meteorite …