Aiquile, H5

On November 20, 2016, a bright daytime fireball split the sky above Aiquile, Bolivia.  A local named Hugo Cardona quickly snagged a …

Bir Lehlou, H-chondrite

This 205 kilogram (451 pound) stone was found ~25 kilometers North of Bir Lehlou, in Western Sahara. It is the ~eighth largest …

Breja, LL6

Breja is an odd fall that somehow escaped publication despite having a known find location, known fall date, and a fairly large …

Bunker Hill meteorite

Bunker Hill, L6

Meteoritical Bulletin entry for Bunker Hill. Robert Haag said that the stone had been found by a scrap collector among the ruins …

Morasko, IAB-MG

There is far more to say about Morasko than I can include here.  In brief, the fall occurred between 5,000 and 5,500 …

Kainsaz, CO3.2

Not much contemporary information was published about this historic Russian fall.  From Meteor News – News from the Soviet Union Concerning Meteoric …

NWA 7787, Iron

This 203 gram iron meteorite is one of the freshest and most beautiful to come out of Northwest Africa.  It is unclassified …

NWA, Oriented Iron

This 267.5 gram heat-shield came from Aras Jonikas.  When I first saw photos, it looked so smooth and round that I thought …

NWA, Unclassified ‘Bullet’

This is a beautiful unclassified iron meteorite from Northwest Africa.  It is highly oriented, with a blunt, rounded nose, several overlapping lips, …

Millbillillie, eucrite

Millbillillie is an odd one; it was apparently witnessed to fall in October 1960, but no one bothered to track down the …

NWA, ureilite

This beautiful, slightly fluted heat shield is probably a ureilite.  505 grams. Thanks to Mohammed Ismaily.

Uasara meteorite

Uasara, IIAB

Meteoritical Bulletin entry for Uasara. Sierra Gorda and Negrillos are both described as being heavily weathered in Vagn F. Buchwald’s Handbook of …

NWA, ordinary chondrite I

This ordinary chondrite has one of the nicer shapes I’ve seen; it’s concave, and flares to a point.  It also has an …

NWA, ordinary chondrite II

This stone was one of the nicer ones we saw on our 2011 trip to Morocco.  It’s flight-marked with flow-lines and lipping; …

NWA, ordinary chondrite III

At the 2019 Tucson Gem and Mineral Show, Moussa Minerals seemed to be everywhere: they had multiple tents set up at Kino Park, …