Astoria, IIIAB
21.45 kilogram main mass. Photos by Marlin Cilz.
21.45 kilogram main mass. Photos by Marlin Cilz.
From the chondrite information page, the petrographic classification scheme works kind of like this: completely altered by water into clay (no known …
This bediasite was reportedly found several decades ago, and it tips the scale at 49.2 grams. It comes via Mr. and Mrs. …
We started collecting meteorites in the summer of 1998. Within a few years, we came to notice an event that kept recurring: …
On February 15th, 2009 at around 11AM local time, a small asteroid entered the atmosphere and broke up over Birome, Texas. Larger …
This strewn field from New Mexico was discovered in the late 1970s. The total known weight is just a few kilograms, and …
Chondrites are the most primitive group of meteorites. They have formation ages dating to at least 4.56 billion years before the present, …
Iron meteorites can be divided into two main groups: those that formed in the cores of large differentiated bodies, and those that …
Achondrites are a very diverse goup of meteorites representing a wide range of developmental processes in the Solar System. Some have crystallization …
Stony-iron meteorites are divided into two semi-related groups: mesosiderites and pallasites. Mesosiderites are a somewhat enigmatic group of generally metal-rich meteorites that have an origin …
Hunting for meteorites is fun, and just about anyone can do it. How do you start? Learn about rocks first. Just rocks. …
The El Burro meteorite is a historic find from a very remote area of Coahuila, Mexico. The area is still almost completely …
I really should have taken more photos with people and rocks. I found the camera more often when in the country – …
La Colina fell at 11:30 pm local time on March 19, 1924, in the Buenos Aires Province of Argentina. Following a bright …
This 30.4 kilogram stone came from just South of the border, near the town of Matamoros, Mexico. The owner posted some photos …
This fall took place in Zambia on October 5, 1950, at ~4:20 am local time. Sonic effects were heard over an area …
Here’s a cool stone. It has huge chondrules and practically no matrix. Some recent papers have described similar meteorites as “chondrule conglomerates.” …
This spectacular eucrite fell on July 9, 2014. I don’t have much to add to the Bulletin write-up: Here’s a beautiful 42 …
In addition to books, Lincoln La Paz saved many of his associated letters and envelopes. Many of them have cool stamps and …
Oscar Turone visited the location and documented this 1988 fall — per the Meteoritical Bulletin: This 1995 Meteoryt! Magazine article describes the …
A bright bolide was seen over Eastern Morocco on July 28, 2015. Hunters set out and managed to find the first fresh …