
Achondrites are a very diverse goup of meteorites representing a wide range of developmental processes in the Solar System.  Some have crystallization …

Itqiy, EH7-anomalous

This meteorite is largely comprised of enstatite, and it is presumed to be a partial melt derived from an E or EH-chondrite …

Millbillillie, eucrite

Millbillillie is an odd one; it was apparently witnessed to fall in October 1960, but no one bothered to track down the …

Mount Egerton, anomalous aubrite

The Meteoritical Bulletin entry for Mount Egerton is a bit sparse.  Here is a book describing the meteorite and its discovery. (5MB) …

NWA 2482, polymict eucrite

Technically, this stone is the remaining main mass of “NWA 2482,” but it belongs to a fairly substantial pairing group.  This meteorite …

NWA 3197, anomalous howardite

This odd meteorite is a mix of a few different things: the typical HED eucritic and diogenitic material make up most of …

NWA 5363/5400, ungrouped achondrite

This meteorite is a primitive achondrite.  It retained ~10% metal, some sulfides, and hasn’t changed much since it was a chondrite.  It …

NWA 6497, polymict eucrite

This stone came already-cut from a dealer.  It weighs 44.6 grams and is a brecciated eucrite.  Of note — some clasts were …

NWA 7022, Lunar feldspathic breccia

The fusion-crusted and oriented ~385 gram main mass of Northwest Africa 7022 displays the meteorite’s two lithologies beautifully.  The meteorite is a …

NWA 7799, ureilite

This stone is a pretty one, destined to remain provisional and unclassified.  Fortunately, the fusion crust and thinly crusted break reveal the …

NWA 7831, diogenite

This meteorite isn’t even approved yet, but it’s a stunning diogenite comprised mostly of translucent, crystalline orthopyroxene.  I don’t know of any …

NWA, enstatite crystal

This stone is a single large enstatite crystal, presumably from an aubrite.  It weighs 77 grams, and is comprised of two fitting …

NWA, ureilite

This beautiful, slightly fluted heat shield is probably a ureilite.  505 grams. Thanks to Mohammed Ismaily.

Palo Blanco Creek, eucrite

There is nearly no information on Palo Blanco Creek in the Meteoritical Bulletin.  The stone was found in 1954 and weighed 1,482 …

Pasamonte, achondrite

Pasamonte is an unusual meteorite.  Early work pegged it as a polymict eucrite, but more recent studies have shown that its oxygen …

Serra Pelada, eucrite

Serra Pelada is a fairly typical, but pretty, brecciated Eucrite. Bulletin write-up: Many thanks to Ricardo Gazillo Neto, for making this 65.3 …

Tiglit, aubrite

As of 2023, Tiglit is one of 11 witnessed aubrite falls, and it’s ~the only one collectors can obtain fusion-crusted individuals of. …

Winona, winonaite

Winonaites are a class of meteorites that fall under a broader group called “primitive achondrites.”  If you look at their bulk chemistry, …