NWA 7797, Mesosiderite
Here’s a beautiful, fresh mesosiderite with huge olivine crystals. 52.2 grams.
Here’s a beautiful, fresh mesosiderite with huge olivine crystals. 52.2 grams.
Here’s another new mesosiderite from the Sahara. 20.5 grams.
This cute stone doesn’t have a texture that resembles any other Northwest African mesosiderites I’ve seen. It’s also one of the least-weathered. …
This find consisted of a fresh, oriented 331 gram mostly complete stone. Abundant olivine and pyroxene crystals are visible on the surface, …
Northwest Africa 176 is an unusual ungrouped ~iron meteorite that appears to be more closely related to carbonaceous chondrites than to most …
Meteoritical Bulletin entry for Taza. Long story short, it’s an ungrouped iron with a germanium content an order of magnitude or so …
Tata, otherwise known as NWA 1430, consisted of a single 113 kilogram iron meteorite that was, honestly, pretty ugly. It had been …
After hearing reports of a fireball in Morocco in late October of 2012, I kept an eye out for stones, but saw …
This hexahedrite isn’t too unusual, but it is pretty. And it’s fairly fresh; it has a partial heat-altered zone, contrary to the …
NWA 3204 is a pretty plessitic octahedrite with a fun shape; we initially thought that it might be a man-made artifact. Its …
This iron turned out to be compositionally unusual, with a very high iridium content. The Meteoritical Bulletin says a bit more:
This 176 gram disk-shaped iron is chemically a little odd and is structurally unique. It has a great microscopic pattern, but there’s …
This iron is a highly shocked IIIAB — so shocked that its Thomson structure is almost completely erased. But, while preparing the …
This 203 gram iron meteorite is one of the freshest and most beautiful to come out of Northwest Africa. It is unclassified …
This is an odd one, with 3-dimensional graphite sprays. The Meteoritical Bulletin writeup contains a plethora of information: Paired irons include NWA …
This is a pretty one that escaped being diced by a dealer; it’s fairly fresh, oriented, and has a fine pattern. The …
Here are some photos from the trip.
This 1,026 gram iron meteorite came from Said Haddany at the Tucson Gem and Mineral Show in 2010. It appears to be …
This iron appears to be a medium octahedrite, from the pattern visible through stress fractures in the fusion crust. It came from …
This ~1 kilogram heat shield has some unusual features.
This is an oriented heat-shield with a few rhabdites visible on its surface (see last photo, center). So, it’s a IIAB, hexahedrite. …
This 267.5 gram heat-shield came from Aras Jonikas. When I first saw photos, it looked so smooth and round that I thought …
This odd meteorite is a mix of a few different things: the typical HED eucritic and diogenitic material make up most of …
This meteorite is a primitive achondrite. It has been thoroughly recrystallized and no longer has any chondrules, but it did not melt …
There’s not much in the Meteoritical Bulletin other than the basic information: R3.8, S3, W2, total known weight: 722 grams. Of note: …
This is a stunning meteorite. It is comprised of a mess of light eucritic clasts surrounded by rivers of vesicular black melt. …
This wonderful meteorite is comprised of mostly vitrified 4.3 billion year old Lunar highlands regolith. This meteorite started out as mostly white/light …
This stone came already-cut from a dealer. It weighs 44.6 grams and is a brecciated eucrite. Of note — some clasts were …
The fusion-crusted and oriented ~385 gram main mass of Northwest Africa 7022 displays the meteorite’s two lithologies beautifully. The meteorite is a …
This is a unique meteorite for a number of reasons. In a nutshell: 1) At ~4.4 billion years old, it is either …
This stone is a pretty one, destined to remain provisional and unclassified. Fortunately, the fusion crust and thinly crusted break reveal the …
This is a beautiful meteorite we obtained from Dean Bessey back in 2002. Dean sold a cut stone to us (100.38 grams …
This meteorite was initially classified as an aubrite, but Udry et al. took a closer look at this stone and a few …
This meteorite isn’t even approved yet, but it’s a stunning diogenite comprised mostly of translucent, crystalline orthopyroxene. I don’t know of any …
This stone is a single large enstatite crystal from an aubrite-like achondrite. It weighs 77 grams, and is comprised of two fitting …
22 gram fresh HED with gemmy green pyroxene crystals. Stones like this aren’t too special today, but, back in the late 1990s …
This beautiful, slightly fluted heat shield is probably a ureilite. 505 grams. Thanks to Mohammed Ismaily.
This cute stone came from Rob Elliott some years ago. From his photos, it was easy to tell that the stone was …
290.5 gram windowed stone, main mass.
I don’t have much to add to the write-up; this stone was purchased already-cut from a dealer. When it is polished, many …
This stone was classified as a CK4, S2, Wi 4 (Wi stands for the new weathering index determined for CK chondrites by …
Here’s a pretty one — nice chondrules. The end pictured was used for the type specimen. Link to Meteoritical Bulletin:
While perusing eBay one day, an armored chondrule poking through the fusion crust of an unclassified stone caught my eye. The 5.1 …
NWA 6508 was purchased as an unclassified NWA meteorite on eBay in September of 2009. The seller had cut it in half, …
Here’s a pretty stone from Northwest Africa.
As of 2023, Tiglit is one of 11 witnessed aubrite falls, and it’s ~the only one collectors can obtain fusion-crusted individuals of. …
On July 18, 2011, a fireball was witnessed near a town called Tata, in Morocco. Sonic effects were heard by the sparse …
EL3’s are extraordinarily rare. This stone is one of the four approved non-Antarctic EL3’s, as of 2020. Here’s the main mass of …
This brick of a meteorite is a specimen that we bring to every outreach event. Chondrules, big CAIs, it’s perfect. And it’s …
This ~850 gram carbonaceous chondrite is something of an enigma. The original classification was “CO3,” with a description that described it as …
This oriented stone has nice flow lines and what appears to be a huge type B CAI in the cut face, which …
Initial work suggested this stone was an H7. It was later shown to be an H6. The main mass weighs a little …
This stunning 8.2 kilogram polymict breccia was recovered as a broken individual. We don’t usually cut stones much, but this stone began …
This 45 gram stone is one of the freshest rumuruti chondrites found. Glimmering sulfides can be seen on all surfaces. Mottled matrix …
This carbonaceous chondrite came from a Moroccan meteorite dealer several years ago. We finally got around to requesting a provisional number in …
This 45 gram oriented CK chondrite was purchased in 2011 from a Moroccan meteorite dealer.
This complete stone has a wonderful shape and is quite fresh. More data when it comes…
This is a very cool meteorite originally sold to us as a pairing with NWA 801, a CR2. Two of the stones …
This stone is one of the most pristine chondrites known. All carbonaceous and ordinary chondrites have experienced some thermal and aqueous alteration. …
We had just missed out on another specimen from this find; I messaged the seller as soon as I saw his photo …
After a first round of analyses on the microprobe at UCLA, this stone left us with more questions than answers. It is …
This stone’s total known weight is 209.6 grams and it has been classified as an LL3 S1 W4. This is the ~180 …
This cute 12 gram stone is an unclassified carbonaceous chondrite that resembles CM’s most closely. However, it is very solid and moderately …
This meteorite is a fun one; I’m adding it because we’ve been dragging our feet about cutting it, and it’s pretty enough …
This stone is currently being analyzed. It’s definitely a fresh unequilibrated chondrite of some sort. Guesses have ranged from CR2 to LL3; …
Northwest Africa has afforded collectors a rare opportunity to own specimens they otherwise would never be able to obtain. A fresh, complete, …
This beautiful stone with weathered fluting and flow lines was purchased in Erfoud from Mohamed Benzaki. 473.53 + 242.43 gram fitting fragments.
This fresh carbonaceous chondrite was purchased at Tucson, 2014. 493.9 grams
This fresh carbonaceous chondrite was purchased at Tucson, 2014. 349.0 grams.
This ~10.5 kilogram monolith is an L3-5 breccia/impact melt. The stone grades from ~moderately shocked to completely shock-melted (left end, first image), …
This ordinary chondrite has one of the nicer shapes I’ve seen; it’s concave, and flares to a point. It also has an …
This stone was one of the nicer ones we saw on our 2011 trip to Morocco. It’s flight-marked with flow-lines and lipping; …
At the 2019 Tucson Gem and Mineral Show, Moussa Minerals seemed to be everywhere: they had multiple tents set up at Kino Park, …
Amgala was a small fall that occurred in a remote part of Western Sahara; the meteorite itself is a pretty breccia of …
A bright bolide was seen over Eastern Morocco on July 28, 2015. Hunters set out and managed to find the first fresh …
Tarda is a rare ungrouped carbonaceous chondrite. Aqueously altered meteorites are a popular research topic right now, and a great deal of …